In this Summer Nights installment, Stephanie (Hutton) is "recruited" by her best friend and show producer to become a contestant on The One, a reality show where two contestants are set up and expected to fall in love after 13 days, and several dates, with each other.
Stephanie is introduced to Oliver as filming begins and it is pretty obvious from the start these two are not meant for each other. However, I thought to watch them try so hard to navigate the unmentionable non-relationship while going through the motions of dating was so realistic of how real-life relationships can be.
Of course, we have to meet the actual love interest early in the movie to make it a Hallmark movie (hehe) and I fell in love with Alex (Page) much faster than Stephanie did. Alex is the son of the ranch owner where The One is being filmed and he is everything Stephanie doesn't know she needs in a man. Alex and Stephanie have immediate chemistry, but of course, Stephanie is unavailable because she is supposed to be falling in love with Oliver.
If you are a fan of Hallmark movies, you already guessed how this one is going to end. But I truly enjoyed watching these actors embrace these characters in such an authentic way and I loved, loved, loved this movie so much.